Supharada (Rada)
Supharada's (also known as Rada) parents divorced when her mother was 2 months pregnant. Her father didn't want her to be born. They divorced because his mother decided to keep the baby. After that, her mother got a remarried and had another daughter. Rada lives with her mother and her mother's new husband who loves her like his own daughter. He takes care of her, educates her, and protects her. With the family's good care and attention, she has done very well in school. Her parents are new believers. She likes to study physical education and likes trading. She makes toys and sells them to friends even though she doesn't make a profit. When she is at home, she is responsible for cooking rice, washing the dishes and bathing her younger sister. Her personality is that she doesn’t dare speak. she is sensitive and cares a lot about other people‘s feelings. She is very good at studying. Last year she had a GPA of 4.00.
Leaders Partner with Communities
Our National Leaders connect with local families through various outreach projects. These projects empower locals to be self-sustaining.
We Connect 1 Child with 1 Sponsor
Children from these hard-pressed communities are then nominated for sponsorship through our Giving Children Hope (GCH) Program. Each child is paired with one sponsor.
Your Investment Is Maximized
We are proud to say that only 10% of any donation goes towards operating expenses. 90% goes directly to support families and children within hurting communities.
Leaders Partner With Communities
Our National Leaders connectwith local families within the community through various outreach projects. These projects are geared to empower locals to be self sustaining.
We Connect 1 Child to 1 Sponsor
Children in these hard pressed communities are then nominated for sponsorship through our Giving Children Hope Program. Each child is pared with only one sponsor.
Your Investment Is Maximized
We are proud to say that only 10% of any donation goes towards operating expenses. The 90% goes directly to support families and children within hurting communities. Your monthly support is joined with other donations to serve your child and community projects geared for long term impact.
What They Receive
  • School fees
  • School shoes & school uniforms
  • Backpack
  • After school tutoring
  • Nutritional snacks and winter blankets
  • Encouragement and spiritual education from their Caregiver (assigned Pastor, teacher, missionary etc. in the area)
What You Receive
  • A welcome packet complete with your child’s picture and bio.
  • Two updates each year including a new picture of Supharada (Rada), as well as a progress report or a craft that they’ve made just for you!
P.O. Box 38838, Greensboro, NC 27438 | 817 453-0740 |